For Sunshine


 This is no normal morning in the city today.
Though the rest of the town won't know why.
Someone we love is going away
And we all prepare to say goodbye.
Each day brings new life, fresh air, and sunshine
And a whole new chance to start again.
But for some there's no call,  no second at bat.
No sail to hoist up in the wind.

All things have reasons
I believe that is true.
Though I can't guess what they might be.
But I know that we all are just passing through
On our own way back home to the sea.

But there's family and friends
And love from them all.
And there's thoughts and there's prayers from everywhere.
And there's songs we can sing and verses we recall
As we remember the love she brought here.

From Grandpa


Dear Stefanie:

Our very deepest sympathies to you and Rob on the loss of Orianna. She really isn't lost - she has been found by our Father and brought home to live in peace and comfort and LOTS of fresh air.

I found this poem and "gently" personalized it. Hope it can bring some comfort to all.

Orianna's Journey has Just Begun

Don't think of her as gone away -- her journey's just begun.

Life holds so many facets - this earth is only one.

Just think of her as resting from the sorrows and the tears

in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years.

Think of how she must be wishing that we could know today

how nothing but our sadness can really pass away.

And think of her as living in the hearts of those she touched

for nothing loved is ever lost - and she was loved so much.

We all Love you all so much. Have the greatest day that you can by being together and comforting one another. We wish we could all be with you.

 Love, "Aunt" Carol



My friend and coworker - Rachel - dropped off a little purse in my room

with some bible verses in it and then she wrote little notes regarding the

verses. I am going to write them to you now. You may just want to print it

and read it when you choose. I read one, cried, recovered, read another,

cried, etc. but I did get through them all. Then I went and hugged Rachel.

And now I'm hugging you through email and I'm hugging Orianna in my heart.

There, just did it, she said I squeezed

too hard :)


Card 1. Rachel wrote:

We all have so many gifts - it is just especially

amazing that Orianna gave so many in such a short time. She can inspire us

to make the best of our gifts and share them with others. Romans 12:6-8.

"We have many parts in the one body, and all these parts have different

functions. In the same way, though we are many, we are on body in union

with Christ, and we are all joined to each other as different parts of one

body. So, we are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace

that God has given us. If our gift is to speak God's message, we should do

it according to the faith we have; if it is to serve, we should service, if

it is to teach, we should teach, if it is to encourage others, we should do

so. Whosever shares with others should do it generously; whoever has

authority should work hard; whoever shows kindness to others should do it



Card 2. Rachel wrote:


One way in which Orianna's legacy lives on

...through helping others in many ways- especially the hospital bags.


2Corinthian 1:4a

"He helps is in our troubles, so that we are able to help

others who have all kinds of troubles."


Card 3. Rachel wrote:


Seems you should be able to endure anything. This

was a big trial in your life (and a big blessing!) James 1:2-3 "My

brothers, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials came your

way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the

result is the ability to endure."



Card 4. Philippians 4:13

 "I have the strength to face all conditions by

the power that Christ gives me."

Card 5. Rachel wrote. When you seek God and ask him to be a part of your

life, he will!


Mathew 7:8.

"For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who

seeks will find, and the door will be opened to him who knocks."


THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE - Card 6. Rachel wrote:


 I think this verse

refers to God and the important things in life, not material things. But I

see how it relates to Orianna. Her physical presence isn't here anymore,

but we can focus our attention on the "unseen" of Orianna's life - they last

forever! I think of the joy she brought, the way she brought family

together, the hope she instilled, the love she brought out in others.... 2

Corinthians 4:18. "For we fix our attention not on things that are seen,

but on things that are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a time, but

what cannot be seen lasts forever."

Love, Mom



When we think of God we usually think of a mighty Being up in the heavens watching over us. When Orianna came to us, we had a chance to see a completely different image of God. And even though this image of God was so different, the image was just as powerful and just as pure. During the entire time she was with us, it seemed like we were the ones watching over her. In fact, she was the one watching over us. She did something that no one else could do…she brought us all together. She brought us together to laugh, she brought us together to cry, and most importantly, she brought us together to love. She reminded us what it really means to have family. Orianna was and will always be a miracle. We praise her because she was fearfully and wonderfully made and God created her in His perfect image. So now we say goodbye Orianna, we will miss you everyday, but we take comfort in knowing that you’re at peace now. We are thankful for time we had with you and we love you.

Love Uncle Lucien and Aunt Stephanie


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